
#Showbiz: Fatin Afeefa bids adieu to career in entertainment

KUALA LUMPUR: Artiste Fatin Afeefa says that she is ready to bid farewell to the entertainment industry and focus solely on her family after this.

In a news report yesterday, the 29-year-old singer and actress whose full name is Fatin Nur Afifah Shamsudin said she came to this decision after her husband Aliff Awang asked if that was a possibility.

"As a wife, I should honour his wishes. When he mentioned it, I said yes without any hesitation. So I'll stop acting and singing after this.

"However, he'd also agreed to give some leeway for me to still do a few campaigns as a brand ambasasador for some products, so as not to drastically change my life.

"With this arrangement, I might only need to go out to work once a month. The rest of the time, I'd be busy managing my household," said Fatin who added that she had now started to like her new peaceful lifestyle.

"To live a life where you're free from the prying public eyes is a stress-free life," said the artiste who married Aliff in December 2022.

Prior to that, she was married to actor Adam Shahz between Dec 21, 2013 and May 30, 2017.

From the marriage, they have a seven-year-old daughter named Ivy Herra Sophia.

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