
Cleanliness key to achieving mabrur haj, says Malaysian delegation head

MAKKAH: The actual value of the 'mabrur' haj (accepted by God) is not only measured by the rituals performed during the haj season but also by the cleanliness maintained by pilgrims in their personal hygiene and living quarters.

Therefore, maintaining cleanliness is paramount, especially during the critical days of Masyair, which reflect one's mabrur haj status.

Malaysian haj delegation head Datuk Seri Syed Saleh Syed Abdul Rahman said cleanliness is essential for pilgrims striving to achieve mabrur status.

"Cleanliness practices must be deeply embedded in our minds and daily habits, setting a benchmark for Malaysian pilgrims. This commitment must be upheld consistently from arrival in the Holy Land until the return home.

"The days of Masyair are the most crucial for every pilgrim and demand a high level of patience. Without maintaining cleanliness, one's faith is incomplete," he said during yesterday's Maktab Cleanliness Programme launching ceremony.

"The Maktab Cleanliness Programme was inspired by Tabung Haji's success through the Masyair Cleanliness Campaign launched seven years ago.

"It was later expanded to the pilgrims' accommodation maktabs (halls) in 2018 as a way to foster a spirit of cooperation and mutual assistance," he said.

Syed Saleh said that, as in previous years, Tabung Haji is organising the Maktab Cleanliness Campaign to ensure that cleanliness remains the highest benchmark for Malaysian pilgrims.

He said the programme has also successfully served as an example to other countries and received praise from the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah.

In line with this, a competition for the cleanest room is also organised to encourage the spirit of cooperation and mutual assistance.

This competition will run until after the days of Masyair, and judging will be done by our staff, with attractive prizes awaiting the winners.

"We not only emphasise cleanliness but also stress the importance of cooperation and mutual assistance, especially with the relatively large number of people in one room.

"And as we know, there are five to six people from various backgrounds and socio-economic groups. So, in this way, it indirectly strengthens the bonds among pilgrims until they return home."

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