
Boosting the spirits of Tabung Haji officers in the Holy Land

MAKKAH: Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH) remains committed and enthusiastic in serving the duyufurrahman (guests of Allah), and all its officers are encouraged to continue giving 100 per cent effort and dedication to ensuring smooth operations for the haj season.

Malaysian haj delegation head Datuk Seri Syed Saleh Syed Abdul Rahman high spirits and focus on the tasks given to them was a priority emphasis for TH officers so that pilgrims can complete their haj and return as righteous and reformed persons.

"TH should play a role not only as a haj manager, but a body that succeeds in producing the best umat who can contribute to the development of society and the nation.

"So, TH must continue to maintain its performance in providing exemplary haj officers who offer the best service in terms of knowledge, patience, efficiency and character," he said at the haj officers' gathering here yesterday.

His words of encouragement resonated with the approximately 200 haj officers, already said to have reached a high level of satisfaction among Malaysian pilgrims and lauded for their patience.

According to Syed Saleh, the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) for this season's haj was at 86 per cent, which is above the 85 per cent target which had been set.

This, he said, was despite the various challenges which the officers have faced from even before leaving Malaysia.

As such, he urged the officers to be determined to fulfil their responsibilities as best they could to achieve an even higher CSI rating.

This year, he said, TH has had several proud achievements, taking into account the new system enforced by the Saudi Arabian Haj and Umrah Ministry.

This allowed TH and Malaysia to finalised all contracts earlier than usual.

"When Malaysia became the first country to finalise the contracts, we were given the honour of being the first country to choose a site in Masyair in the e-Haj system, and we were the first country to receive the (haj) visas," said Syed Saleh.

Therefore, he emphasised that the quality and image of TH must be enhanced, with no room for complacency.

Syed Saleh said the strong relationship between the Malaysian and Saudi Arabian governments should be strengthened and leveraged upon, adding that TH would continue to uphold its recognition as the world's best haj management body.

This year, 31,600 pilgrims from Malaysia will be performing their haj. Some are already in the Holy Land, with the first group arriving on May 9.

The season lasts till June 9, with some 100 flights catering to Malaysians from the entire country.

Twelve colleges have been readied as accommodation for pilgrims, all of which offer services such as management of their movements, customer service officers and health clinics.

With Wukuf Day and Masyair fast approaching, Syed Saleh urged the haj officers once again to continue to have high spirits and to do their best, as well as to be proactive in carrying out their duties.

"Strengthen teamwork, expedite all aspects of your service, give assistance wherever needed with full courtesy, so that pilgrims can feel your presence among them, serving them as guests of Allah.

"Together, let us pray that our sacrifices, our exhaustion, our sincere efforts are blessed by Allah, as He loves His servants who work diligently and remain obedient to His commands," he said.

Syed Saleh reminded the officers not waste the opportunity of serving pilgrims and to consider this as the last opportunity to do their best.

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