
Claims of slow emergency response in CIQ motorbike fire to be investigated

JOHOR BARU: A Singaporean motorcyclist whose machine caught fire at the Customs Immigration and Quarantine complex at Bangunan Sultan Iskandar (BSI) on Sunday has lodged a police report.

District police chief Assistant Commissioner Raub Selamat confirmed the report was lodged, saying that there were no injuries.

He added that two policemen on regular crime prevention patrol spotted thick smoke at the Malaysia-Singapore motorcycle lane at 12.45pm, and rushed to the scene.

He said BSI's emergency response teams, including the Fire and Rescue Department, were despatched to the scene to tackle the blaze.

The fire was put out an hour later.

However, the man's claims of slow response in tackling the blaze and that Rela personnel had no clue as to where the fire extinguishers were located are being investigated.

The New Straits Times contacted the state Fire Rescue Department and State Transportation and Infrastructure committee chairman Mohamad Fazli Mohamad Salleh for their responses.

They are expected to address the allegations once their investigations are completed.

Earlier, the NST reported that the motorcyclist took to social media claiming the emergency response teams at the complex were slow, while the Rela personnel were clueless as to where the fire extinguishers were placed.

The motorcyclist's wife had also claimed that when her husband wanted to break open the box containing the nearest fire hose, he was not allowed to do so by the Rela personnel.

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