Crime & Courts

Cops hunting man who sexually assaulted two children

PETALING JAYA: Police have launched a hunt for a man who is believed to have sexually assaulted two children at a block of flats in Section 19 here last Monday.

Petaling Jaya District Police Chief Assistant Commissioner Mohamad Fakhrudin Abdul Hamid said police are actively pursuing the 26-year-old suspect following a report lodged by the victims' 40-year-old mother.

The suspect was identified based on a photofit sketch made with the assistance of the children, who are siblings aged eight and nine-years-old.

"We are asking the public to cooperate to track down the suspect, described as 168 centimetres tall and thin.

"Those who know the suspect or are have more information on the incident can contact the investigating officer Inspector M Naresh Kumar at 016-975 7113," he said in a statement.

Mohamad Fakhrudin said the case was being investigated in accordance with Section 14 (a) of the Sexual Offenses Against Children Act 2017.

It was reported that on Monday, the two siblings were climbing a set of stairs at a block of flats near their home to sell 'kuih' when they were approached by a man.

The man reportedly pulled their hands and sexually assaulted them.

Traumatised, the children ran back home in tears and alerted their mother, who subsequently lodged a police report.

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