
GE15: Penang's oldest candidate wears old 'nametag' as a morale booster during campaigning

GEORGE TOWN: As a morale booster while on his campaigning rounds, 80-year-old Ravinder Singh will be wearing his old teaching "nametag."

Ravinder, who is contesting the Bayan Baru parliament seat under the Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) ticket, is said to be the oldest candidate in Penang. He was a senior school assistant and lecturer at a college in Sungai Petani, Kedah before retiring in 1993. He taught Malay and English.

He said when decided to contest in the 15th General Election (GE15), he received a lot of positive and negative feedback about his involvement in politics from his former students.

Even his wife, Anabella Manoranjitham, 68, did not expect the decision.

"On nomination day, I was told I was the oldest candidate contesting the state while the other candidates were between 30 and 40 years old.

"There were views that said because of my age, I was unsuitable as a candidate and unfit to campaign. It turned out to be wrong. We "elders" have a lot of experience, so give me a chance and I will show them how to work," said the grandfather of four when met in Batu Maung here today.

Ravinder said his two sons, one who works as engineer and another in a security department, are not interested in joining politics.

"My wife and children asked why don't I just enjoy my retirement instead of working at this age.

"I'm doing this for everyone, for the next generation," he said.

Ravinder will go against incumbent Sim Tze Tzin from Pakatan Harapan, Saw Yee Fung (Barisan Nasional), Oh Tong Keong (Perikatan Nasional), Jeff Ooi (Warisan) and Kan Chee Yuen (Independent).

After retiring in 1993, Ravinder studied law and was an activist with the Penang Consumer Association (CAP) for the past 20 years.

When he was with CAP, Ravinder received various complaints from the community on a daily basis.

"Based on my experience, there are a number of things that I will prioritise if elected as leader such as issues on education, development, crime involving corruption, sea reclamation, the environment, politics and others," he said.

Ravinder keeps fit by exercising for 30 minutes every morning in addition to practising a healthy diet. He is also active in hill climbing activities around Permatang Damar Laut here every weekend.

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