Nurturing role model leadership in 2021

It is not easy to be a leader or a manager in the truest sense of the word. The responsibility and mandate will force a leader to surrender himself to the organisation. This is becoming even more challenging because every leader is held responsible for his leadership in the future.

An effective leader is one who has the charisma and becomes an idol to his followers. This is what is regarded as the role model that indirectly shapes the followers' personality and behaviour.

It is a norm for a leader to become the role model when followers are able to accept and are comfortable with his presence. They try very hard to follow the instruction given by the leader including carrying out their duties in line with the objective and the goals intended. If a leader becomes the role model, it is easy for him to lead his organisation.

Thus, a leader must demonstrate a good personality and behaviour other than having a clear vision, excellent self worth and strong physical and mental faculties. This strength will make a leader someone respectable in any given circumstances.

What about a leader who fails to show a good example to his followers? Among some bad examples would be communicating rudely and causing followers to have hard feelings. In this situation, followers feel angry, stressed and feel hurt inside.

As the final effect, the failure in communicating brings a lot of problems. Thus, it is not appropriate for current leaders to communicate one way and carelessly as it can trigger conflict in the relationship between two parties and become the subject of criticism to many.

There are also leaders who prioritise their high status and position in the organisation. They are not smart enough and feel awkward in mingling with their followers. This great gap between the leader and his followers also leads to tension in an institution.

To become a respectable leader in 2021, they need to carry themselves well and appropriate to the situation. There are times when leaders need to show their assertiveness, at other times they show their soft side. Leadership theories and findings show that the type of leaders is often produced through the leadership style applied by the leaders.

Other than that, followers also play an important role in determining the leadership style that is going to be applied. The success as the leaders can be achieved with the right leadership style and one that is appropriate with the followers' maturity.

Studies show that the selection of leadership style really depends on several factors. First, there is the factor of experience. A leader's leadership style and tendency are influenced by the background, knowledge and experience also confidence on his followers. The second is the followers' ability.

A leader can get involved and have more freedom when his followers are independent and free, and ready to take the responsibility in making the decision. Knowledge and experience provided to employees can make the performance more efficacious and effective. The third factor is situation.

A leader needs to revise the situation when fabricating his leadership style. Studies propose that an effective leadership style must practice various styles of leadership. The change in style must follow the situation faced.

A smart leader has the tendency to apply the contingency leadership by expecting changes that will happen and further plan on the change that will be imposed on the human resource, organisational structure design, operation and the use of technology.

One that is called a leader must be a role model to his followers. Just how far a leader wishes to have excellent followers greatly depends on his own personality and behaviour. We need to remember that a cookie depends on its mold.

The writer is Professor of HRM and Organisational Management, Faculty of Economics and Management, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

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