NST Leader: The 'Question of Palestine'

TO the United Nations, the "Question of Palestine" is the most intractable issue on its peace and security agenda. Yet, it has remained unanswered for 74 years.

Not because it is a question without an answer. No, not at all. There is a very good answer to the bloody good question, but the coalition of the powerful — the West — doesn't want it answered. The reason? Just one word — hypocrisy.

We wish the nations on the side of justice — an unfortunate few, we must say — could issue a warning like Chinese leader Xi Jinping did to United States President Joe Biden: "Those who play with fire will perish by it."

The West is fast becoming a synonym for hypocrisy. London, Washington, Brussels and, of all places, Kyiv, are there in the growing list of sanctimonious centres of power. Start with London, the capital that is the cause of the "Question of Palestine".

From Balfour to Boris, Britain is firmly behind Israel. Never mind Tel Aviv's ethnic cleansing and apartheid crimes. Never mind the Nation-State Act 2018 that says in no uncertain terms that Israel — and it is growing as more Palestinian land is occupied and colonised — is a national homeland only for the Jews.

Perhaps the West is setting the stage for it to be the homeland only for the Whites. France's White nationalists have already issued the warning: "You will not replace us".

Look at Foreign Secretary Liz Truss and former chancellor Rishi Sunak, competing with each other to be the darling of apartheid Israel. Guess who holds the key to the world's famous black door at Downing Street?

The Conservative Friends of Israel, the pro-Israel lobby in the party. Of the two, Truss is the favourite to be crowned by the scandal-ridden man who is the prime minister of Britain, Boris Johnson.

Here is why, in the words of Jonathan Cook, author of three books on the Israeli-Palestine conflict, as he quotes Truss in his op-ed for the Middle East Eye, a regional news portal, thus: "The UK should stand side by side with Israel, now and well into the future. As prime minister, I will be at the forefront of this mission." Rest assured, Truss's Britain will ensure that the "Question of Palestine" stays ignored.

So will the US. This is obvious, now that Biden has declared to the world that he is a non-Jew Zionist — "you need not be a Jew to be a Zionist". Does he not realise that being a Zionist means getting the Palestinians out of their land, alive or dead? He does.

He knows Tel Aviv's racist policies against the Palestinians disqualify it as a democracy. Biden's support for apartheid Israel has only one answer: plain hypocrisy. It is as American as the bald eagle. Ditto Brussels, mutatis mutandis.

Now for Ukraine, a bizarre addition to the list. Bizarre because the occupied Palestinian territories, are being invaded by the Israelis. Yet the Ukrainian ambassador to Israel, Yevgen Korniychuck, had the audacity to say that like Ukraine, Israel is suffering "a very brutal attack by its neighbour".

Get real, ambassador. Don't be an author of false narratives like Tel Aviv. Israel did the invading, not the Palestinians. If 169 days of Russian occupation of Ukraine is a terrifying tragedy, imagine what a catastrophe it is to be occupied by the Zionist regime of Israel for 74 years.

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