Towards an efficient and corrupt-free public service

CHIEF Secretary to the Government Datuk Seri Dr Ismail Bakar ’s first meet-the-press session on Monday was relevant, pertinent, timely and impactful.

We have not heard much about him or his views on how he would lead the 1.6 million civil servants.

As he rightly pointed out in his interview, the civil service is the “backbone of the administration” and they need to make adjustments to serve the country, the administration and society better.

What are the priorities of the new chief secretary? He said he would focus on, among others:

POLITICAL neutrality: Ismail hit the right note in conducting the new civil service orchestra. Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had expressed doubts, both publicly and even more candidly in private discussions, about the partisan feelings and performance of large sectors of the civil service.

After all, for 61 years, the civil service had served only one government.

They had developed strong partisan loyalties, often based on personal and political lines. They knew of no other government at the federal level.

So, although wrong in principle, their loyalties became right and justified, and internalised in practice. Thus, understandably, to some extent, the civil service at most levels became subtly and sometimes even openly politicised from top to bottom.

I was one of the earliest civil servants for 30 years, from the early days of Merdeka, and watched and regretted the changing times.

The politicisation of the civil service became worse over the years and affected our multiracial composition.

So, what can we expect from the chief secretary?

It is just as well that the new government has noticed the dramatic changes and negative transformation, as well as the consequent and relative decline in the standard and quality of civil service, particularly in more recent times.

It is, therefore, laudable that the new government acknowledges this and aims to rectify and improve the large civil service.

The chief secretary has to cleanse the civil service of “politics and political interference”, and make it more professional, efficient and intellectually honest;

CORRUPTION: This is a dangerous scourge in a civil service. It can undermine and erode the socio-economic and progressive government policies.

The government’s commitment to rid corruption at the highest level is praiseworthy.

Much more needs to be done fast;

A WELL-OILED and efficient machinery in the civil service for the country to progress and determine its future path: The chief secretary must quickly introduce a survey on the quality of delivery system to find out how effective and it is: and,

OMBUDSMAN: Ever so often, the public does not get fast response to their complaints. They will get replies after long delays. Thus, an ombudsman and his office must be opened, as a matter of priority.

The chief secretary could perhaps establish a monitoring system to check on the efficiency and effectiveness of his 1.6 million staff.

He has to ensure that the administrative machinery is well-oiled to deliver public services smoothly and satisfactorily.


Chairman, Asli, Centre of Public Policy Studies

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