SUCCESS in the 21st century depends on information and intelligence. Planning is key so that manpower can move forward and adopt changes.
Managing change refers to dealing with the intended or unintended consequences of a reform programme. Change management is linked to organisations adapting to a fluid environment. It is a mind-boggling process that requires focus.
In implementing changes, management will start with the strategy and the ultimate result is controlled by quality, aptitudes and the capabilities of all the people actualising the changes.
Innovative changes in the educational framework are its fundamental drive and harmonisation of present-day social patterns.
In normal practice, effective management change in social and work establishments can be seen when institutions have individuals who have what it takes in the learning progress of “change management”.
Change management can help facilitate pressure and is a formal method to speak with employees. If employees are open to transformation, they will be increasingly connected with the change.
Setting a standard for change at an early stage can form a versatile working environment.
For individuals, successful change management bolsters a smooth progress from the old to the new. It will help personnel develop effective corresponding methodologies.
Through change management, individuals will be aware of the positive and negative impacts.
When adapting to new ways of accepting change in the organisation, teams will work with a focus on goals. They will feel motivated and are prepared to take calculated risks.
Good communication is important as the teams will learn to communicate effectively with others. This way, employees will be more empathetic.
With common goals and better understanding, people will not be intimidated to try out new things.
The organisation can respond quickly to customer demands when change management is introduced. It will help align existing resources in the organisation.
Effectiveness can be enhanced. It will create an opportunity for the development of best practices.
Hence changes are an essential feature and characteristic of work in all areas. Being prepared for such changes has become the essence of every action.
To change, we need not talk more than we should.
It’s a matter of doing and acting upon it.
Segambut, Kuala Lumpur