LETTER: At the swearing-in ceremony of new Perak Menteri Besar yesterday, Sultan Nazrin Muizuddin Shah censured political leaders for failing to run the state in the best way possible for the people, saying the third swearing-in of the state MB just two years ago after the last general election, is not something to be proud of.
The people's needs aside, the sultan said the poor and the needy and those who had lost their jobs due to the Covid-19 pandemic should not be victimised by warring politicians, pointing out that what had happened would be recorded as a reflection of failure, instead of success.
"Do not make the poor, especially those who had lost jobs due to the pandemic "kancil yang mati tersepit kerana gajah yang tidak berhenti-henti beradu" (a mousedeer that dies after being caught between elephants fighting).
Such a reprimand should serve as a reminder to political leaders but will they take it seriously?
As it is, the motion of confidence was staged at the expense of the state development budget which was supposed to be tabled in the state legislative sitting on that very day.
As the sultan said every state assemblyman was elected by the people because they were trusted. "People put their hopes in you, for you to help them improve the areas where they live, preparing various necessities and services, upgrading their economic standard and as much as possible their social needs."
The prayers of those who felt that they were mistreated would not be barred from being answered by God, he also said.
Vengeful emotions and close-minded political thinking will have dire consequences on the people. Members of Parliament and assemblymen alike should work to reduce people's difficulties instead of repositioning strategies for political gain.
This is because socioeconomic consequences, aggravated by endless political manoeuvring during these trying times would only complicate problems already faced by the people, especially vulnerable groups.
Seri Kembangan, Selangor
The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times