LETTERS: In commemoration of International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression on June 4th, we express our firm stand to prevail upon all leaders of the world to give priority attention to the children victims of aggression worldwide.
The main aim behind observing this day is to acknowledge the pain suffered by children across the world, which is caused due to any kind of abuse including physical, mental and emotional.
This day was decided upon in August 1982 at a special assembly of the United Nations (UN). The stark reality of children impacted by armed conflict is the most heinous crime of destroying their future.
Not only awareness must be raised but concrete action must be taken. The UN assembly adopted the 51/77 Resolution on the rights of the Child as a response to the impact of the war in Lebanon was the inspiration for this day.
We quote the report by Graça Machel, Expert of the UN Secretary-General, saying: "Millions of children are caught up in conflicts in which they are not merely bystanders, but targets."
Violence against children in conflict zones are prevailing and has been increasing. Up to 250 million children in countries affected by conflict are been victimised.
We call and remind on all world leaders that each child is a trust to be protected and nurtured. In areas of conflict every children must be protected with the maximum tool of the law.
The inhuman harms to children in conflict zones, including death, sexual violence, abduction, denial of humanitarian access, and attacks on schools and hospitals, cannot be tolerated and must be condemned.
Children are the most vulnerable to abuses as a result of conflict. The intentional victimising and inflicting sufferings of children is the most uncivilised act that any party can committ.
We call to conflicting parties to stop attacks on children. The reality that in situations where armed conflict breaks out, children are the most vulnerable members of societies and most affected by the consequences of war.
We are very disturbed by the apparent violations on children in war zones: the recruitment and use of children in war, killing, sexual violence, abduction, attacks on schools and hospitals, and denial of humanitarian access.
From August 19, 1982 emergency special session on the question of Palestine, the General Assembly, stated that members were "appalled at the great number of innocent Palestinian and Lebanese children victims of Israel's acts of aggression".
Unfortunately the reality is worsening since this day is commemorated June 4th of each year. Guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, this day is supposed to improve the situation, regretfully it has not.
From Mali, Eritrea to Somalia, from Lebanon, Syria, Yemen to Palestine, from Iraq , Afghanistan to Kashmir, from Myanmar to Xinjiang, children are facing life-and-death situation.
We remind all human rights defenders to pay particular attention to the plight of vulnerable children in refugee camps and IDPs.
We urge all conflict zones between parties to stop targeting children and international agencies to send peace-keeping forces to shield children from any form of aggression.
President Malaysian Consultative Council of Islamic Organizations (MAPIM)
Director, MyChild International
The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of the New Straits Times