BEDROOMS with good Feng shui promotes a harmonious flow of nourishing, vibrant and sensual energy, according to Rodika Tchi at
The bedroom is suppose to lure you in and relax your body, mind and soul for a fruitful day ahead. You are supposed to be happy in your own bedroom.
If you feel disturbed and have an uneasy feeling as soon as you walk in, or you can’t seem to be able to sleep, then something must be wrong with your bedroom design, furnishing and lighting.
Are there weird pictures or paintings? Are there too many electronic items in your bedroom, such as a television, radio or laptop?
Is the bedroom too dark? Are the curtains too thick, thus preventing natural sunlight from coming in? Is the light too dim?
Are you leaving your shoes around in the bedroom or wardrobe? Is there a chandelier hanging above the bed that is too low? do you have a large mirror facing you when you sleep?
According to Tchi, when you have items such as the above in your bedroom, it destroys good Feng shui energy. You will become distracted, stressed and might even jeopardise your relationship!
You need to clean your bedroom and remove items that you think is generating negative energy.
There are several things you can do after you are done cleaning it to generate a healthy flow of energy.
Use several levels of lighting, such as candles and bedside lamps.
Use ovals and circles in your decor and furniture.
square edges on bedside tables. For example, cut the chi that is focused on the sleeping inhabitants.
Get relaxing, balanced colours for the bedroom walls and furniture. In Feng shui, soothing colours help achieve a positive balance in the bedroom.
Get the right art or images for your bedroom.
Choose one that inspires you or that depicts what you want to see happening in your own life.
If you still need to use your laptop in the bedroom, store it away after you are done with it.
Get a strong and stable headboard because in Feng shui, this helps protect, internalise, and recharge your chi as you sleep.
Keep your wardrobe clean and organised. In Feng shui, this creates a feeling of serenity and calm in your bedroom.
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