KUALA LUMPUR: THE BA of Malaysia's (BAM) newly-appointed men's singles head coach, Datuk Misbun Sidek, is thrilled to face the challenges ahead of him.
Misbun, who officially started work on Monday, acknowledged that a lot must be done to improve the standard among younger players, who will one day replace national singles star Lee Chong Wei.
"I live for challenges, this is my style" said Misbun, whose previous stint with the national body ended in 2011.
"There is a lot of work, but I look forward to it. For now, I will discuss with all the other coaches to understand the department better.
"My other main task here would be to look into Chong Wei's preparations ahead of his World Championships outing in Glasgow this August," he said.
Another major challenge for Misbun will be to produce more singles players to meet BAM's target of winning the Thomas Cup in Bangkok next year.