DESPITE the onslaught of the coronavirus, the Malaysian Football League (MFL) are still able to stand on their feet, financial wise.
Yesterday, a relieved MFL announced that they had managed to raise close to an impressive RM34 million in sponsorship for the M-League which starts on Friday.
The financial feat by MFL is certainly a step in the right direction in getting Malaysia football back to its feet after it was crippled last year by the coronavirus. The league was suspended and eventually the match fixtures were halved.
MFL president Datuk Hamidin Amin announced the money raised from sponsors during the launch of the 2021 M-League at a hotel in Putrajaya yesterday.
Hamidin took the opportunity to address issues raised by fans in social media in recent months about the financial health of the M-League.
"I have been waiting to answer this question, and I want to speak about this now.
"I know there's a lot of worry from fans (about the league's financial's situation), given that last year, the MFL did not announce how much we received (sponsorship) but rest assured that the board of directors were given the details.
"We want both the media and fans to understand that until now, the total sponsorship, in terms of broadcasting rights, sponsors and in kind, amounts to RM33,428,000million.
"My team, with Datuk Ab Ghani (Hassan, MFL chief executive officer) have a few sponsors to announce but we won't do that yet as they have not signed.
"But this what we have so far in times of Covid-19 and hopefully, we will add on more in the future."
Hamidin also commented on his retaining the FA of Malayasia presidency unopposed, and gave some advice to the candidates for the upcoming 57th FAM congress-cum-elections.
"Winning unopposed or not, it's about the trust that is instilled. It's not a place for us to jolly. I need to work harder to ensure football gets better."
He also advised those who win unopposed, at the FAM congress-cum-elections, for the next four years (2021-2025) not to take it easy as they will be judged by the fans, sponsors and media.
Meanwhile, Sports Minister Datuk Seri Reezal Merican Naina Merican, who was also present at the M-League launch, said he hopes the competition will not be interrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic like last year.
Reezal said he is still working on convincing the government to allow the gradual entry of fans into stadiums for league matches.
"I expect to bring this to the Health Ministry and the National Security Council for consideration in one to two months' time.
"We depend on their decision in terms of whether or not the Movement Control Order will continue.
"We hope to get a decision to ensure football can see fans (in the stadium) with proper SOP (standard operating procedure) in place."