SSTMI caught in sticky situation

JUNIOR Hockey League (JHL) double champions Tunku Mahkota Ismail Sports School (SSTMI) are now caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.

If the Under-21 JHL is held later this year, SSTMI will lose their Form Five players to Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) examinations.

And if it is completely wiped out from the hockey calendar, they will lose the chance to defend their titles this season.

And so, coach Wan Roslan Wan Rahman is getting ready for both eventualities.

He is not only teaching his students, but also coaching his SSTMI players online.

“As a teacher in SSTMI, I am actively preparing material as well as teaching students online. At the same time, I am also monitoring the fitness of my hockey players.

“It is difficult times for everybody, but I hope the JHL can be held right after Hari Raya. Our Form Five students will also be busy preparing for their examinations (in October) and we can’t disturb them if the JHL is held at a later date.

“SSTMI will lose many students who also have to enrol into matriculation.

“We are not the only team affected by this. All teams are in the same boat.

“That is why I hope the dates will not clash with the SPM examinations or national duty for those who have to report to the national Under-21 squad.

“The Covid-19 has caused chaos. We have to make the best of it when the Movement Control Order (MCO) is lifted,” said Wan Roslan.

The Malaysian Hockey Confederation have assured that the JHL, as well as other age-group tournaments on their calendar, will be held this year if the MCO is lifted after Hari Raya.

But in the end, it is the Covid-19 pandemic that dictates the dates, and JHL teams can only keep their players on their toes at the moment.

The boy’s JHL was initially scheduled on March 25-April 19, while the girls’ competition starts in June.

And if the JHL (boys and girls) clashes with the new dates for the postponed boys and girls’ Junior Asia Cup, then national duty will come first.

Teams in the JHL will have no choice but to rely on development players to deliver.

Keywords: HockeySstmi
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