
#TECH: How to protect your connected objects from hackers

HUNDREDS of thousands of connected objects around the world are currently under threat due to various security flaws. Even if it is impossible to guarantee zero risk, some basic rules are enough to secure a home network on which all our various devices (mobile devices, speakers, household appliances, light bulbs, etc) are connected.

1. Take care of your passwords and change them regularly.

First of all, it is important to make sure that the passwords associated with each of your connected objects are sufficiently complex, i.e., they must be composed of lower case letters, upper case letters, numbers and special characters. Moreover, you must remember to change them regularly and never use the same one twice for two different objects.

2. Make it a habit to use two-factor authentication.

If some devices offer two-factor authentication, you should definitely take advantage of that and activate it. This process consists of authenticating your connection with a code sent by SMS or e-mail, in addition to the traditional password. This way, a third party will have more difficulties to connect to your device, even if they have, for whatever reason, the right password.

3. Secure your wifi network.

It goes without saying that access to your modem or Wi-Fi router used as part of your local network must also be extremely secure. In addition to a complex password, you should also make sure to choose the WPA2 protocol (or WPA3 for the most recent models) in its options. Finally, as with any computer equipment, you should not forget to update your firmware, even if most do it automatically.

4. Install all the updates.

This applies to all your connected objects as well as your modem. So, whether it is the firmware directly on the equipment in question or specific applications, it is absolutely necessary to update them all for your equipment to function properly and safely. Most updates correct security flaws, which can be more or less significant.

5. Install a VPN (virtual private network).

To further boost security, it is also possible to set up your own virtual private network (VPN), encrypted and secured. Not only does this reduce the hacking risk for all the devices connected to it, but this type of network is also practical since it is possible to access it remotely to take advantage of its data or manage its settings.

6. Disable connected devices not in use.

Any connected object that is on remains vulnerable. It is therefore highly recommended to think about turning off all the ones you don't use anymore, temporarily or permanently. This applies to nighttime but also during any other period when it is not useful to have them turned on and connected to the network.

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