
#Showbiz: Last man standing Seungri says BigBang's hiatus will be short

KUALA LUMPUR: Seungri is the last man standing for popular K-Pop group BigBang since the other four members are currently enlisted for South Korea’s mandatory military service.

The fresh-faced 27-year-old singer-songwriter, record producer, actor and entrepreneur opened up about his enlistment plans and how he felt during a press conference today to herald the release of his debut solo studio album, The Great Seungri.

According to Soompi, Seungri said that “two is better than one”, when asked how he felt about doing promotional activities by himself.

“I’ve done solo activities and group activities at the same time but I much prefer group activities.

“However, BigBang is currently on hiatus, and as the only member who is still active, I feel a responsibility to make sure the public doesn’t feel the emptiness,” he said.

Seungri also explained that the other members of the K-Pop quintet, T.O.P, Taeyang, G-Dragon and Daesung, had shared some words of encouragement to him before they enlisted.

He said: “G-Dragon told me, ‘While we’re not here, I hope you do lots of promotional activities so that our fans don’t feel the empty space that much. I hope you do your best under the name BigBang and showcase a side of you as a musician that you haven’t shown before’.”

On the subject of military service, Seungri shared that he had hoped to enlist early next year.

He said: “I want all five members of BigBang to be able to stand in front of our fans again as soon as possible. I believe we need to shorten BigBang’s hiatus as much as we can.”

Seungri then added: “I hope to enlist early next year and reunite with the other members as soon as possible. I hope our fans will keep supporting us because we will try to make the hiatus short.”

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