
#Showbiz: I became a multi-millionaire at 23, reveals Aliff Syukri

KUALA LUMPUR: While most people only kick-start their professional life at the age of 23, Datuk Aliff Syukri revealed he had already reached multi-millionaire status at that age.

The flamboyant cosmetics entrepreneur-turned-actor revealed the fun fact about himself when he was asked by his Instagram followers at what age did he strike it rich.

“Saya start ada duit RM5 juta ringgit waktu umur saya 23 tahun,” he wrote. (I had about RM5 million when I was 23-years-old).

“Bukan senang nak senang,” he added. (It’s not easy to achieve wealth.)

The revelation had inspired his followers who asked Aliff for some business tips and prayed for his continuous success.

For some, they joked about how at that age, they only had RM5 in their savings.

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