KUALA LUMPUR: The animation film produced by Les’ Copaque Production, Upin & Ipin: Keris Siamang Tunggal is nominated for Best Feature Film at the Asian Academy Creative Awards (AAA) 2019.
The film will be competing with 15 others from the region, including Australia and New Zealand, for the coveted golden trophy.
The awards will be held in Singapore on Dec 5.
Les’ Copaque chief executive officer Burhanuddin Md Radzi said that an entry into this awards would only push the company further in producing better quality productions in the future.
“Of course, we’re happy that this production has been selected as Malaysia’s Best Feature Film, which automatically enables us to represent the country at the awards ceremony event,” he said in a news report today.
“We pray that luck will be on our side as the film was meticulously done. Quality work has always been our top priority when making our animated films, especially in the storyline,” he said.
Earlier last week, it was announced that the Upin & Ipin movie is also in the running for Best Animated Film at the 91st Academy Awards to be held next February. Last month, it won Best Feature Category at the Montreal International Animation Film Festival 2019 (ANIMAZE 2019).
Upin & Ipin: Keris Siamang Tunggal opened in March early this year and it collected a tidy sum of RM26 million at the box office.