
#Showbiz: Iconic edition of AJL38 records over 6.4 million views

KUALA LUMPUR: The 38th Anugerah Juara Lagu (AJL38) event which took place at the Axiata Arena in Bukit Jalil, here on Sunday garnered a whopping 6.4 million television viewership, which amounts to a 13 per cent increase compared to its previous edition.

The prestigious awards show broadcast live on TV3 recorded the highest TV viewing figure since 2021, according to the long-running broadcast station owned by Media Prima Berhad.

TV3 also revealed that the number of viewers via live stream, exclusively on and the Tonton application during the live broadcast of AJL 38, had increased by 153 per cent in total viewing hours on Tonton.

The reach through social media platforms showed a 39.3 per cent increase with 3.2 billion posts, which also saw the event trending on social media for three days.

All data were collected from Nielsen, Tonton and Meltwater sources.

Media Prima Television Networks and Primeworks Studios CEO, Nini Yusof said that AJL 38 achieved the goal of being the Most Iconic AJL to date in its ongoing effort to honour the best Malaysian songs.

"The mesmerising concepts, performances and Muzikaverse theme were the result of the incredible creativity and inspired ideas from all parties, which included the TV station, production team and AJL38 finalists.

"This contributed to a very unique performance concept and stage design.

"On behalf of TV3, I would like to congratulate and thank the over 200 employees of MPB who were involved in making AJL38 a success.

"Keep creating and providing fresh, interesting and entertaining content, and be a source of inspiration for all.

"Thank you also to the sponsors who worked together with us to realise this most iconic AJL event," she said in a recent statement.

Talented singer-songwriter Amir Jahari was the top winner of AJL38 which saw his composition, Hasrat, win Best Song.

Sutera performed, written and composed by Aisha Retno, was the first runner-up, while the second runner-up was Jangan Mati Rasa Itu performed, written and composed by Aina Abdul.

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