
#SHOWBIZ: Hollywood actor plans to learn silat from Fad Anuar

KUALA LUMPUR: Actor Fad Anuar was recently contacted by Hollywood actor Dennis Greene of Bad Boys fame, and the American sought his help to learn silat.

Fad, 35, who is currently starring in the historical movie Takluk: Lahad Datu with his uncle, veteran actor Eman Manan, said that Greene followed him on Instagram a few weeks ago and asked him for advice on the martial art.

"I asked Greene how he found my Instagram account, and he replied that he sought information from various martial artists globally.

"Because of the silat hashtag that I used in my social media posts, I guess he found me!"

Fad said that Greene invited him to help conduct martial arts training in New York.

"He wanted me to teach and give advice to martial arts actors on Malaysian martial arts for his upcoming film," said Fad in a Harian Metro report yesterday.

Fad, who has appeared in action films as Geran and Walid, and the upcoming Pungut, said that he suggested that Greene study silat.

"I suggested that he highlight silat because if he does, he will be the first African-American to do so. I feel honoured when there are people from abroad who appreciate our heritage."

Fad and his management team will hold further discussions with Greene and his team, and "hopes for the best".

He also said that he looked up to Indonesian martial arts star Yayan Ruhian who has taken various martial art forms from his home country to Hollywood.

"Yayan told me people abroad appreciate us a lot more than people at home," he said.

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