Sunday Vibes

The ultimate victory: A father-son journey to true triumph

AS the late afternoon sun filters through the cafe window, its gentle rays caress the space, enveloping it with a comforting glow. My gaze is drawn to two figures seated at the back, whose eyes, I note with pleasure, alight with anticipation as they rise in unison the moment I enter.

The older one, clad in a bright red sports top, emanates a quiet confidence, while his younger counterpart, seated next to him, appears to be a little more tentative as he lobs me a shy grin. The bespectacled duo shares a familial bond as father and son, bound by their mutual passion for a burgeoning sport that's sweeping the nation — pickleball.

"My son and I were in Bangi early this morning for a session of pickleball," shares Saiful Azam Mohd Nor, his voice soft but animated as I settle onto the wooden stool across from him. Leaning slightly against the bench, his son, Ahmed Aizaad Khairie, bobs his head enthusiastically, his youthful energy palpable despite the hint of fatigue in his demeanour.

"Thank you so much for agreeing to meet me today," I reply gratefully, acknowledging that I'm cutting into their rest time. But their beam in response tells me that they don't mind at all to be making the trek to this bustling Damansara mall.

When did you both start playing pickleball, I begin almost immediately, hastily sliding my recorder in front of the duo as Saiful motions for the waiter to take our orders.

"It was back in 2022, following the lifting of the initial Movement Control Order (MCO)," replies the 43-year-old, before sharing that their family had always been playing a number of sports such as tennis, badminton and ping pong for fun.

It was his son's active participation in "doubles" for his school team in Sentul that sparked a desire for a new shared activity. "After the MCO, we started contemplating what other sports we could do together," recalls Saiful, smiling at the recollection.

It was a chance sighting on his FYP (an acronym for "For You Page", a tab on Tik Tok that's filled with recommended content and videos) where someone suggested for him to check out pickleball that changed everything.

"I started reaching out to different pickleball groups on Facebook to see if I could connect with anyone to learn more about the game," remembers Saiful, who works in the oil and gas industry.

One response stood out among the rest. Continuing, the doting father-of-three adds: "Someone by the name of Ted Thor offered to take us to a court in Putramas, Kuala Lumpur, so we could get acquainted with the sport as well as those who were playing the game. And that's how our pickleball journey began."


Their early foray into the sport was initially fairly casual, marked mostly by informal backyard matches against each other for fun. "We'd just play in our backyard, without drawing out any lines," offers the 13-year-old Aizaad, who'd hitherto been listening intently to his father's story.

But as they got more involved with the pickleball community in the Klang Valley, their enthusiasm for a more structured play grew. Then they discovered Reclub, a free online platform that unites the global sports community.

"Discovering the Reclub app opened up a whole new world for us," enthuses Saiful, elaborating: "It connected us to other players and sessions that were being held around the country that we could ask to join. It was exciting and that's when we started becoming more actively involved in the sport."

Nodding, Aizaad adds: "Yeah, we were excited to see so many people playing the game and it was nice to be able to join them and in turn, get to meet a lot of new people. We started to play regularly and my father and I also started entering competitions together. It's been so much fun."

Suffice to say, thanks to the amount of time they began to have with each other and through their shared experiences on the court, Saiful and Aizaad forged a deeper bond. "Pickleball has brought us even closer as a family," reflects the soft-spoken father, pride palpable in his voice. "It's become more than just a sport — it's become a part of who we are."


Saiful, a man of quiet strength and unwavering determination, stands as the doting patriarch of the family. Born into humble beginnings in the heartland of Kuala Lumpur, his journey, as I manage to glean through snippets of his son's comments, has been one defined by resilience and the relentless pursuit of a better life.

Raised in a large family — he's the fifth of eight siblings — Saiful learnt the value of hard work and perseverance from an early age. His childhood was, by his own admission, fairly modest. His father, I duly learn, was an ambulance driver and his mother was a healthcare worker.

Together, they laboured tirelessly to provide for the children. Despite the challenges they faced, his hardworking parents instilled in him a sense of purpose and a deep-rooted appreciation for the importance of family.

"I come from a sports background," shares Saiful, adding: "I used to play darts competitively and would spend a lot of time in pubs for competitions. But it wasn't the sort of sport where I could bring my sons along with me. That didn't sit well with me. I was determined to find games and activities that would enable us to be together. After all, work often took me away from them."

A devoted husband and father, Saiful's greatest joy, he admits, lies in the time he spends with his family, nurturing bonds that transcend the boundaries of time and space.

Enter Aizaad, the second of Saiful's sons, a youngster with an undeniable spark of determination in his eyes and a heart full of dreams. At just 13 years old, he embodies the spirit of youth — vibrant, energetic, and eager to conquer the world.

Like his father, Aizaad's journey into the world of sports began at a young age. "He was already holding a tennis racket at the age of 3," recalls Saiful, pride lacing his tone.


Their shared passion for sports has become the cornerstone of their relationship, a bridge that spans the gap between generations, and has brought them closer together. But beyond the thrill of competition and the joy of victory, it's been the quiet moments of understanding and support that has defined their relationship.

"On court, my father is more focused," muses Aizaad, before adding mischievously: "I wouldn't say he's strict whenever we play together, but sometimes he does get mad with me if I make silly mistakes. But, it's okay. I understand that he's not angry at me; he just wants me to be better."

The youngster, who recently entered the ESM Monthly Challenge, a pickleball tournament organised by ESM Internationale, a leading boutique firm, held in Universiti Malaya, Petaling Jaya, with his 15-year-old partner, where the duo pitted their mettle against the "big boys", shares that in real life, his father is actually pretty easy-going.

"Come to think of it, he's only strict when we do something wrong," offers Aizaad, chuckling, before adding: "Like when I annoy my 7-year-old sister. Then I'd get told off. But then again, my dad isn't the type of 'shouty' father. When he interrogates, he does it calmly. I've partnered him many times in pickleball and it's been fun. Sure, we argue sometimes, but that's okay!"

Off the court, they have been able to further strengthen their bond amidst shared meals and heartfelt conversations. "One of the things I love about playing with my dad is the post-meal session! We'd go for makan together," shares Aizaad, eyes lighting up under his dark-rimmed glasses.

Elaborating, he enthuses: "My dad would take me for one of my favourite foods — roti telur — and buy me drinks and let me eat whatever I like. I also enjoy this time because we get to talk to each other — about anything really, not just pickleball. Now that we're doing the same sport, I find that we're understanding each other more."

In a tender moment of reminiscence, Aizaad shares a poignant anecdote about his father, one that revolves around a seemingly ordinary item: shoes. Intrigued, I inquire further, prompting him to recount the heartfelt tale.

"It was a special moment," he begins, voice brimming with excitement. "I had my heart set on a pair of Asics sports shoes, but after visiting a couple of stores, we found them to be out of our budget. Despite this setback, my father, unbeknownst to me, quietly purchased the coveted shoes as a surprise. It was a gesture that touched me deeply. He's just the best!"


For Saiful, watching Aizaad grow — both as a player and as a young man – fills him with a sense of pride that words alone cannot express. "What I admire about him is that he's very active and energetic," shares Saiful beaming broadly, adding: "He can also play better pickleball than me, especially when we play against each other in singles. I guess being young helps because he has a lot of energy!"

With Fathers Day upon us, it dawns on me that the duo's shared journey transcends the boundaries of sport, and instead, serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring power of love and the profound impact of familial bonds. I tell Saiful, who cites his biggest passion as doing things together with his wife and children, just how much in awe I am of his concerted efforts to hold the family together.

Smiling thoughtfully, he replies: "I think I'm just like a lot of dads out there. We want the best for our family. And yes, in this day and age, with work commitments, especially time, is something we struggle to find for them. But we need to…"

Is there anything you want to say to your father, I couldn't help lobbing the youngster a final question as I slowly begin to gather my things for my next appointment.

Nodding enthusiastically, Aizaad replies: "My dad has shared stories of his childhood to me and my brother, and I know his early years were marked by challenges unlike my own fortunate upbringing. I'm just grateful to be born in this family because I know that he wants only the best for me (and everyone). He sends me for tuitions, invites me to join him for sports, and makes the effort to spend a lot of time with us as a family. I'm just blessed."

In the end, amidst the chaos of life and the passage of time, Saiful and Aizaad's journey as "the pickleball duo" serves to remind us that it's not really the trophies that we hoist or the battles that we win that etch our legacy, but the cherished bonds we nurture and the souls we touch along the way.

For in the game of life, it is in the warmth of familial love that we find our truest victory, our deepest fulfilment and most importantly, our greatest joy.

Happy Fathers Day!

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