
Expedite programme to tackle fuel subsidy

KUALA LUMPUR: The government should expedite the implementation of the Fuel Subsidy Rationalisation Programme to prevent the burden in the form of RM700 million in losses every month due to smuggling and foreign nationals gaining from it.

Umno supreme council member Dr Mohd Puad Zarkashi said he understood that there were moves to delay the implementation of the programme to allow new companies to enter the field.

“I understand that the subsidy rationalisation programme, which was initially scheduled to be implemented in September, will be postponed.

“Word of mouth is that the programme had been deliberately delayed to make room for ‘new players’ to enter the field, whereas the government is said to have made a decision on it.

“If the matter did take place, not only is it not fair but it will tarnish the government’s image apart from having to saddle the losses due to the delay in its implementation.”

Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah had, on July 10, said the government would decide on the subsidy rationalisation programme by the fourth quarter of this year and it would be im plemented next year.

The government, he said, was in the midst of studying the subsidy rationalisation and, upon implementation, it should benefit the people.

Around seven companies have already submitted proposals to the government, a number of which utilise the MyKad as a mechanism of subsidised fuel distribution.

They include Fuelsubs House Sdn Bhd, Digistar Corporation Bhd, MyEG Services Berhad, MOL AccessPortal Sdn Bhd, and IRIS Corporation Berhad.

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