Crime & Courts

Jaim catches 3 Muslims for smoking, eating in public

MELAKA: A Malaysian and two Bangladesh nationals were caught by the Melaka Islamic Religious Department (Jaim) authorities for smoking and eating today.

Enforcement chief, Rahimin Bani, said the four-hour operation which started at 9am was carried out at 20 locations around the Melaka Tengah district.

The officers caught three Muslim men aged between 20 and 49 for failing to fast this Ramadan.

“When enforcement officers arrived at the premises, the trio were caught off guard and could not escape.

“A Bangladesh national, aged 20, who is also a worker at a nasi kandar restaurant in Melaka Baru was caught eating tosai at about noon when officers raided the premise,” he said.

The worker even gave excuse to enforcement officers that he could not fast as he had a stomach ache.

Also arrested was another Bangladesh national, aged 24, who was caught eating a packet of rice at a restaurant in Bukit Baru at noon.

“Another local man, aged 49, was caught smoking in a warung by the roadside in Cheng industrial area,” he said.

Rahimin said the trio were issued with summon notices and they must present themselves at the Jaim office to facilitate investigations under Section 49 of the Melaka Syariah Offences Enactment 1991 for selling and eating in public during Ramadan.

“If convicted, those who do not fast can be fined RM1,000 or jailed six months for the first offence, and a fine of RM2,000 for the second offence or a year in jail, or both.

“We also pasted 20 posters at suitable food premises to remind Muslims to fast,” he added.

Today enters the sixth day as Jaim authorities raid premises to catch Muslims who are not fasting.

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