Crime & Courts

(Update) Kim Chol had low levels of cholinesterase enzyme, either due to pesticide or nerve agent, High Court told

SHAH ALAM: A pathologist who conducted tests on the remains of North Korean Kim Chol told the High Court today that he had a low level of cholinesterase enzyme which controls muscle movements.

Dr Norashikin Othman, 44, who was attached to Kuala Lumpur Hospital, said such condition could have been caused by either pesticide or a nerve agent.

Dr Norashikin, who was the fifth prosecution witness, said when she conducted the cholinesterase enzyme test on Kim Chol's remains, it showed 344 unit per litre.

The pathologist was testitfying as a prosecution witness at the trial of Indonesian Siti Aisyah and Vietnamese Doan Thi Huong, who together with four others still at large, are charged with murdering Kim Chol at the departure hall of Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 about 9am on Feb 13.

During examination-in-chief by deputy public prosecutor Wan Shaharuddin Wan Ladin, Norashikin said the enzyme level of Siti Aisyah, 25, and Doan, 28, were 6,781 and 7,163 unit per litre, respectively.

DPP: Is it a normal level?

Dr Norashikin: Yes it is.

DPP: How about Kim Chol?

Dr. Norashikin: 344 unit per litre

DPP: Is it a normal level?

Dr. Norashikin: No, it is very low.

She also testified that the normal enzyme level in a male human body was between 5,320 and 12,290 unit per litre.

Norashikin, who specialises in clinical toxicology, said the cholinesterase enzyme which controls muscle movement works by breaking

down the neurotransmitter so that the muscles and glands would be in a relaxed position.

"Therefore, if a patient lacks the cholinesterase enzyme it will cause prolonged contraction of the muscles and glands," Norashikin said.

When asked by Wan Shaharuddin on the connection between the enzyme and seizure, the witness said seizure was a sign of prolonged muscle contraction.

Dr Norashikin said the enzyme would be disrupted if the patient had consumed or accidentally consumed poison like pesticide.

Further into the examination-in-chief, the witness testified that a nerve agent was divided into two - the V series and G series.

"The V series is, for example, VX agent," she said.

She said the nerve agent could disrupt the human nerve system as well as the level of cholinesterase enzyme.

She added that it could also disrupt the muscles protecting the liver, salivary glands and mucus glands.

"The VX agent can disrupt the muscles and glands which control saliva, mucus, eyes, liver and other organs. This could cause the patient

to vomit, experience diarrhoea and frequent urination.

"VX can also cause the patient to sweat profusely and cause the eyes to dilate" she said.

She said the seriousness of a poison depends on several factors such as the dosage and concentration and the way the poison

was exposed either via inhalation, absorption into the skin or by way of swallowing.

"It also depended on how long the poison was exposed. If the poison was exposed for a short period of time only a bit of the poison would be

absorbed onto the skin.

"The mechanism used to decontaminate such as washing of hands, wearing something that could prevent absorpion such as gloves or

consuming an antidote could prevent the poison taking effect.

DPP: What antidote could be used?

Dr. Norashikin: For VX specifically is Atropine which functions to prevent the poison from taking efffect.

The trial before judge Datuk Azmi Ariffin contines tomorrow.

On March 1, Siti Aisyah and Doan were charged at the Sepang magistrate's court with murdering Kim Chol, 45. with four others still at large.

Kim Chol was later established to be Kim Jong-nam, the estranged half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

The duo had allegedly committed the offence at klia 2 departure hall around 9am on Feb 13.

Their charge under Section 302 of the Penal Code carries a mandatory death penalty.

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