Crime & Courts

Company owner, manager claim trial to illegal logging

KOTA KINABALU: A logging company owner and manager were charged in the Sessions Court here with illegal logging and unlawfully possesing logs in Sipitang.

Company owner Yun Ket Chun, 48, and manager Tiong Chee Khong, 49, pleaded not guilty before judge Elsie Primus to the four charges today.

In the first and second counts, the duo was accused of felling trees without a permit or licence under the Forest Enactment 1968 between July 17, 2019 and Feb 4, 2020.

They cut down 127 and 76 trees in the Ulu Sungai Padas Forest Reserve in Sipitang; and the Sipitang Forest Reserve, respectively.

The third charge is for felling 504 trees on state land near Kampung Long Pasia, Sipitang on the same dates.

The first and second charges are under Section 20(2) of the Forest Enactment 1968, and the third charge is under Section 23(2). They face a fine of up to RM500,000 and between one and 20 years jail upon conviction.

On the fourth count, the duo was charged with unlawful possession of 274 logs without paying royalty on Feb 7, 2020 at 10.30am at a log storage area in the Sipitang Forest Reserve.

The offence under Section 30(1) g of the Forest Enactment 1968, punishable under Section 30(2) (b) of the same Enactment provides for a fine of up to RM500,000 or imprisonment of up to five years or both, upon conviction.

Prosecuting officer Peter Jack Empah from the Forestry Department offered bail at RM50,000 with two sureties for all the charges.

He asked the court to order Yun and Tiong to stay away from the prosecution's witnesses and surrender their international passports.

Counsel Aaron Mark Pius, who represented the accused, asked for a lower bail as Tiong had been declared bankrupt and both accused had no previous convictions and were not a flight risk.

Aaron said all the logs were seized by the Forestry Department and had been auctioned.

The court set bail at RM40,000 with a surety for each of the accused. It also fixed July 27 for case management.

The court also granted the additional terms requested by the prosecution.

Deputy public prosecutor Mas Izzaty Lokman also appeared for the prosecution.

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