Crime & Courts

Penang senior citizen claims trial to driving at dangerous speed and knocking into three motorcycles

GEORGE TOWN: A senior citizen was charged at the magistrate's court here today with three counts of driving at dangerous speed and knocking into three motorcycles two months ago.

Tan Leuk Ley, 76, claimed trial to all three charges which were read to her before magistrate Siti Nurul Suhaila Baharin.

On the first count, Tan is alleged to have driven at dangerous speed and knocking into 23-year-old Mohammad Afiq Roszani's motorcycle at Jalan Bukit Gambir about 2.15pm on Nov 27, last year.

On the second count, Tan is alleged to have driven at dangerous speed and knocking into 40-year-old Mohd Nor Exrie Ahmad's motorcycle at the same place, time and date.

Mohd Nor Exrie was fetching his son Nur Irfan Hakim Mohd Nor, 15, then.

On the third count, Tan is alleged to have driven at dangerous speed and knocking into 22-year-old Muhammad Syamil Zulkarnain's motorcycle at the same place, time and date.

Muhammad Syamil was fetching Kristina Abdulllah, also 22, at the same place, time and date.

All the charges were framed under Section 42(1) of the Road Transport Act 1987.

The offence carries a penalty of up to five years in jail and a fine of between RM5,000 and RM15,000, upon conviction.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Nurul Atikah Asharaf Ali asked the court to set bail at RM10,000 for each of the offence.

Tan's lawyer Dev Kumaraendran, in mitigation, told the court that his client was a retired police clerk who worked for 30 years before retiring due to having Cholesteatoma, requiring three surgeries.

He said her client, who is still being treated, is also hard of hearing.

"She has never tried to avoid the case and is not a flight risk.

"As such, I urge the court to set a minimal bail to ensure her presence in court and not a form of punishment," he said.

Dev also told the court that Tan's daughters were in court with her today.

Siti Nurul Suhaila then set bail at RM15,000 for all three charges with one surety.

"Also, the accused and her family members must not disturb the victims," she added.

She then set March 8 for submission of documents and medical report.

It was reported that five people were injured in a crash involving seven vehicles in Jalan Bukit Gambir here on the afternoon of Nov 27.

The crash involved four cars and three motorcycles, with six of the vehicles stopped at a traffic light junction at the time of the incident.

Suddenly, a Perodua Myvi, driven by an elderly woman, went out of control and crashed into the vehicles in front.

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