Crime & Courts

Ten cops under probe after more than RM3,000 cash found on them during roadblock to nab drunk drivers [NSTTV]

PETALING JAYA: Ten policemen who were involved in a roadblock to nab drunk drivers are being investigated after the Bukit Aman Integrity and Standards Compliance Unit (JIPS) conducted a spotcheck and found more than RM3,000 in cash on them.

Selangor police chief Datuk Hussein Omar Khan said nine other policemen, including an Inspector, was among those under investigation.

The others included nine lower-ranked policemen, including sergeants, corporals, lance corporals, and constables.

The policemen from a district in Selangor were suspended following the discovery of RM3,753 during a roadblock operation dubbed Op Alkohol at Jalan 11/3 Petaling Jaya about 2.30am.

The Bukit Aman JIPS team found that one traffic policeman, a sergeant, had more than RM3,000 in his wallet while sitting in a police patrol vehicle and some more cash stashed in a summons book that was in the car.

"A disciplinary investigation paper has been opened following a police report on the incident to identify any corrupt practices or traffic procedure violations," he said.

He said all those under probe had been removed from the Investigation and Traffic Enforcement Division until the investigation is completed.

Previously, a police report regarding the case went viral on social media, detailing how the policemen had been caught by JIPS for having the cash on them during the roadblock to nab drunk drivers.

Meanwhile, Petaling Jaya police chief Assistant Commissioner Mohamad Fakhrudin Abdul Hamid when contacted said those involved had been immediately transferred.

He said they would still be on duty in the district but placed in appropriate sections until the investigation has concluded.

"The investigation is ongoing to determine the source of the discovered money. I assure you that we will conduct a transparent investigation, and appropriate action will be taken if any wrongdoing is identified," he said.

On Friday, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain did not hold any punches when he issued a stern warning against errant members in the police force.

Without mincing his words, he told members of the force who failed to adhere and comply with the disciplinary and code of ethics to 'berambus' (get lost or leave the police force).

Razarudin also reminded his men that they are members of the Royal Malaysia Police and not "police, Raja di Malaysia" (royalties in the country) when discharging their duties and responsibilities.

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