Crime & Courts

Hafizul checked into hotel with another individual's identity, changed car's licence plate

KOTA BARU: The suspect involved in the shooting at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) Terminal 1 Arrival Hall Sunday morning, Hafizul Hawari, stayed at a hotel here using another individual's identity.

The Federal Police Criminal Investigation Department director, Commissioner Datuk Seri Mohd Shuhaily Mohd Zain said the tactic caused the suspect's presence to go undetected at the hotel.

He said among the items seized were four other individuals' identity cards, one of which was used for registration to stay at the hotel.

"The investigation also found that the suspect arrived in Kelantan Sunday afternoon after Zohor.

"After the incident, the suspect did not meet anyone and headed straight to Kelantan before staying at a hotel.

"That is why we believe the suspect acted alone without assistance from others," he said at a press conference today.

He said the car used by the suspect was still the same, a Honda Civic, but the suspect changed the licence plate to avoid detection.

Commenting further, he said the pistol used by the suspect is believed to have been obtained illegally from a neighbouring country.

"However, the method of entry of the pistol is still under investigation. The pistol used by the suspect is a Glock 19 from Austria.

Yesterday, the suspect was arrested in Kota Baru, Kelantan.

At the same time, Mohd Shuhaily also expressed gratitude to all the teams involved in resolving the case.

"Thankfully, this case has been resolved peacefully with no injuries. I would like to thank everyone involved, including the state police chief who was involved in the border area," he said.

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