Crime & Courts

Businesswoman loses RM375,000 in fake datukship scam

MUAR: A 45-year-old businesswoman lost RM375,000 to her business partner in a fake datukship scheme two years ago.

She lodged a police report against him yesterday.

In June 2022, the victim claimed her business partner offered her a Pahang-conferred 'Datuk Seri' title for a fee.

He claimed that he had the right connections to get the title for her.

She made 35 online bank transfers amounting to RM375,000 and waited eagerly for the official letter to the investiture.

District police chief Assistant Commissioner Raiz Mukhliz Azman Aziz said the woman received a letter in August the same year informing her that she was conferred with the Datuk Seri title, and will be invited to the investiture.

She was duped into believing it was an official conferment letter.

The victim waited patiently but as her patience wore thin, she conducted online checks on the Datukship conferment official portal, only to realise her name was not on the award list.

Realising that the conferment letter was fake, she lodged a police report against her former business partner yesterday.

District police chief Assistant Commissioner Raiz Mukhliz Azman Aziz said the case is being investigated under Section 420 of the Penal Code for cheating.

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