Crime & Courts

Judge advises 'Miza Ozawa' to 'balik kampung' and be with family after jail

KUALA LUMPUR: "Return to your hometown and be with your family if you really want to take care of your baby."

This was the advice issued by Sessions Court judge Shahrul Rizal Majid after sentencing a woman to two months' jail for soliciting for the purpose of prostitution earlier this month.

The 27-year-old woman, Siti Amiza Baharuddin, also known as 'Miza Ozawa', had pleaded guilty to the offence last week.

Shahrul Rizal: Where are you from?

Siti Amiza: Penang.

Shahrul Rizal: What do you want to do after this?

Siti Amiza: I want to open a restaurant in Kuala Lumpur and take care of my baby.

Shahrul Rizal: Why Kuala Lumpur? Who do you have here? Why not Penang?

Siti Amiza: I have friends here.

Shahrul Rizal: Go back to Penang. You have no relatives in Kuala Lumpur, and you cannot rely on friends. Stay with your family if you really want to take care of your child.

According to the charge sheet, Siti Amiza had solicited online subscriptions for the purpose of prostitution.

She committed the offence about 4pm on June 6 at a residence in Bandar Bukit Mahkota in Kajang.

The charge under Section 372B of the Penal Code provides for a jail term of not more than a year or a fine, or both.

Meanwhile, Siti Amiza, in her appeal, asked the court to impose a lenient sentence and not to incarcerate her.

"I am pregnant and I regret my past actions. I plead for a fine instead of imprisonment.

"I promise not to repeat the same offence and want to start a new life. I want to take care of this child after losing my first one.

"I cannot be in prison as it could affect my mental health and cause stress," she said in between tears.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Nurul Afiqah Abdul Ghaffar pressed for a deterrent sentence due to public interest and the nature of the offence, which involved solicitation.

"The offence committed by the accused is immoral and can undermine societal morals, in addition to increasing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases," she said.

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