Crime & Courts

Pahang cops on the hunt for bogus ' Datuk'

KUANTAN: Police are tracking down an associate member of an anti-crime watchdog for allegedly misusing the "Datuk" title.

Pahang police chief Datuk Seri Yahaya Othman said a national crime prevention organisation had come forward to lodge a report yesterday claiming an individual had been misusing the Darjah Indera Mahkota Pahang or DIMP award that carries the title "Datuk".

"The suspect is an associate member of the organisation and police have obtained several documents related to the matter. We are tracking down the suspect," he said in a statement today.

Yahaya advised the public that using titles fraudulently was an offence under Section 3(1)(a) of the [Enactment 18] Pahang Emblems, Titles and Awards (Prevention of Improper Use) 2017.

He said the enactment provided for fines of between RM200,000 and RM500,000, or sentenced to between one and five years of jail, or both.

Last year, Yahaya said police had identified a suspect selling Pahang's royal emblems, awards and titles without permission on an e-commerce platform.

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