Crime & Courts

[UPDATED] Celebrity preacher PU Azman gets 24 years for sexual assault [WATCH]

KLANG: Celebrity preacher Azman Syah Alias, better known as PU Azman or Cik Man, has been sentenced to 24 years in jail and two strokes of the rotan after being found guilty of two charges of sexual assault against a boy, who was 17, in 2022.

Sessions Court judge Noridah Adam, in her ruling, said the defence had failed to raise reasonable doubt on the prosecution's case.

She decided that the prosecution had successfully proven its case beyond reasonable doubt and Azman Syah,43, was guilty as charged.

She sentenced him to 12 years in prison and one stroke of the rotan for each charge and ordered him to serve the sentence consecutively.

She also ordered him to be put under counselling while in prison and police surveillance for two years after completing the jail sentence.

Azman Syah, who stood in the dock, looked calm and composed as the judge delivered her decision.

Noridah also dismissed his lawyer, Mohamad Zahid Ahmad's application for a stay of execution as there were no special circumstances for the court to consider.

He was charged with two counts of committing physical sexual assault against the victim at 12.15am and 1am on Feb 20 and June 29, 2022, at a homestay in Kampung Sungai Udang, Klang, respectively.

The charges under Section 14(a) of the Sexual Offences Against Children Act 2017 provides imprisonment of not more than 20 years and whipping, upon conviction.

Earlier in mitigation before sentencing, Zahid asked for a minimum jail term for his client, who is a first offender and does not have past criminal records.

"He is a divorcee with no children. He is a celebrity preacher and has contributed to society by holding motivational and Al-Quran classes to get youngsters familiarised with the holy book.

"He is the youngest of seven siblings and helps out his family financially. If the court imposes a long jail sentence, it will greatly impact the accused and his family," he said.

Deputy public prosecutor Nurul 'Izzati (correct) Mohamad asked the court to mete out a sentence that reflected the severity of the offence, in line with the jail sentence of 20 years provided in the act to protect the rights and safety of children.

The law, she said, was aimed at protecting the honour of society and children.

"There is a rise in sexual offences against children in Malaysia, especially in Selangor.

"The rampancy should be addressed by imposing a heavy penalty as a lesson to the accused and society.

"These heinous acts must be stopped immediately, and the quickest way is to give a heavy penalty to send a clear message and a reminder to society to not commit sexual assault against children.

"The best way to stop is to confine them and put them far away for a long period of time," she said, adding that the accused is a celebrity preacher and former champion of 'Pencetus Ummah' (a religious show).

She said the victim got to know the accused at a motivational class and as someone older, the accused should provide guidance and not violate the trust given by the victim's parents.

The victim said his life had changed forever, and he had lost confidence and interest in studies after the accused, whom he trusted and respected, took advantage of him.

He said he had been traumatised and living in fear.

He was also worried about his future, adding that no counselling could ever heal him from the incident.

In the proceedings, the co-DPPs were Zahida Zakaria and Nur 'Ayuni Jamuri.

Norhayati Johar and Saphirra Selamat from the Selangor Legal Aid Department represented the victim as legal companions.

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