
Jerry the 'akok kedut' seller gives back to society

KUALA LUMPUR: Handing out complimentary bubur lambuk is a common gesture during Ramadan.

A roadside stall in Jalan AU2B, Keramat AU2, has, however, gone a step further by giving away a traditional cake known as ‘akok kedut’ to those observing the fast.

Norazhari Mohd Noor, 53, better known as Jerry, said he handed out 500 packets of the delicious Kelantan-Terengganu delicacy a day to customers and passing motorists.

“This is my way of saying thank you to those who have supported my business,” said Jerry, holding true to his stall's catchy motto: ‘Ori Kelate – Makan hari ini, esok cari lagi’ (Original Kelantan – Eat today, tomorrow you will return).

A native of Kelantan, Jerry said he had spent time in Terengganu before moving for greener pastures in the federal capital three decades ago.

Today, his ‘Warong Akok Kedut Jerry’s’ is a favourite haunt for those seeking his authentic Kelantan-Terengganu delicacies, prepared by himself, his wife Fatin Aliza Salmi, 28, and cousin Norika Sari Mas’ut, 32.

And Little Puteri Rafasya Mizra, 6, one of Jerry’s six children, loves to help out whenever she is not busy shooting commercials for television advertisements.

“I guess, mine is just about the only stall in this area that sells authentic Terengganu-Kelantan delicacies.

“And people know this by word of mouth. They come from all over to buy my stuff, which I continue to sell at very affordable prices,” he said.

Also sold at his stall are nasi lemak pedas, lompat tikam, kerabu sare (with seaweed), laksam, onde-onde, pengat pisang, kuih sekaya, ketayap, cara manis/berlauk, pulut kelapa/serunding, siro pisang, ayam percik, akok nise, cik mek molek, sagu pal, tsum-tsum, roti raja, bubur kacang hijau / pulut hitam and bubur cha-cha.

But the most favourite is Jerry’s akok.

“Lagi kedut akoknya, lagi sedap.” (The more wrinkled the akok, the tastier)," he said, adding that his customers demand quality and originality.

“That is why I strive to serve them only the best akok — Jerry’s Akok — to be exact.”

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