
Keramat tahfiz blaze: Horror, shock, grief as family members gather outside school

KUALA LUMPUR: Horror, shock and grief were on full display at a tahfiz school in Kampung Keramat here, where a dawn fire is believed to have killed at 23 students and two wardens.

Shocked faces of survivors mingled with those of members of the public, who had gathered at the scene after news of the tragedy broke out.

A woman, believed to be the mother of a victim, fainted outside the cordon set up by the Fire and Rescue Department at the religious school, located at Jalan Keramat Hujung.

Many family members have also started gathering at the scene, grieving, crying and making calls in their mobile phones as they wait for updates from firefighters who can be seen inside the burnt building.

The fire appears to have started from the top floor of the three storey building, trapping many inside the structure.

Nine fire engines from four stations were dispatched to scene after a report was lodged about 5.41am, according to a spokesman for the City Fire and Rescue Department.

Several ambulances were also at the scene earlier.

According to a spokesman, most of the victims were sent to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital. However, no updates have been given yet by the authorities on those who perished or injured in the incident.

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