
Internet users in Malaysia up from 2.5mil in 2006 to 24.5mil in 2017

PETRA JAYA: Internet user population in Malaysia recorded a staggering growth by a whopping 880 per cent since 2006 until last year.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nancy Shukri said internet users in the country have increased to 24.5 million people last year compared to 2.5 million people in 2006.

Nancy, who is also the Batang Sadong Member of Parliament, said 80 per cent of the internet users last year accessed the web to log into the social media networks with average usage period of over four hours daily.

“Moreover, 76.1 per cent of the internet users are youths between the age 20 and 49 while 5.8 per cent comprises of those aged 18 and below.

“We have to accept the fact that internet, cyberspace and online content as a way of today’s life, which is irreversible.

“All we need to do is to help the younger generation to be more discerning,” she said in her speech during the launch ceremony of Sarawak Islamic Information Centre’s smartphone application here today.

On a related matter, Nancy said the revolution of technology has given the Muslims community more avenues to learn more about their religion.

Previously, she said, the learning of Islam were restricted to only attending religious or education institutions or learning from the ulama’ (Islamic scholars).

“The younger generations of Muslims are now adopting and using technology to move away from conventional practices.

“Technology has enabled Muslims to learn, question, teach and establish a network through networking sites and mobile application.

“Muslims can now download and utilise a myriad of (mobile) applications to help them with prayer times, (ascertained the direction) of the qiblat, find the nearest mosque, halal restaurant and travel destination.

“In fact, there are also application that can help us to improve our recitation of the Holy Quran and verify facts particular to Islam,” she said.

Hence, she said it was imperative for Muslims to be receptive of the evolution in technology including embracing the era of digital economy.

Nancy said this was to ensure that the Muslim community in the country particularly in Sarawak will not left behind as the nation move forward.

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