
All arise for the akad nikah ceremony [NSTTV]

KOTA BELUD: A couple had a unique wedding experience yesterday when they and their guests stood up during the akad nikah ceremony at Kampung Lebak Engad here.

The ceremony captivated the attention of those present, as they were witnessing it for the first time.

Guests were also required to stand during the ceremony.

This tradition is practiced by Datu's descendents from the Bajau Sama ethnic group.

During the ceremony, Abdul Masdeh Alibin, 24, and Che Nilawati Akup, 22, were solemnised with RM300 'mas kahwin' (dowry) and RM10,400 'hantaran' (wedding gifts).

The couple had chosen to perform their akad nikah in accordance to tradition as the groom is of a descendent of Datu - Datu Jamalin bin Datu Juan bin Datu Takupan bin Datu Rambangan bin Datu Baskal.

They were from Kampung Jawi-Jawi near here.

"Both our families had planned to have the ceremony according to tradition.

"I was very nervous and I had to declare the akad nikah twice," said Abdul Masdeh.

The groom met his wife five years ago before they decided to get engaged last year.

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