
MCA concerned over constitutionality of Council of Elders

KUALA LUMPUR: MCA has raised concern over the formation of a Council of Elders, which it claims is not provided under the Federal Constitution.

MCA publicity spokesperson and religious harmony bureau chairman Datuk Seri Ti Lian Ker said the constitutionality, legality and authority of the Council must be explained or defined.

“Despite the feel good factor and agreeing to the advisory role of the council, there are worries that the non-constitutional institution will be just like Pas Ulama Syura Council, which has the ultimate say with unlimited and unchecked powers...

“Although the intention of the Council is altruistic and the members are eminent, but will the scope of the Council be only to assist the newly elected Pakatan Harapan (PH) government to implement and deliver their 100 days promises?” he said in a statement today.

Ti said unlike the members of the Cabinet who were answerable to the people in the election, it was unsure to whom the council was answerable or accountable to.

On May 12, Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had announced the formation of the council, also known as “Team of Eminent Persons“, with members comprising former Finance Minister Tun Daim Zainuddin as the head, followed by former Bank Negara governor Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz, former president and CEO of Petronas Tan Sri Hassan Merican, billionaire Tan Sri Robert Kuok and prominent economist Dr Jomo Kwame Sundaram.

Dr Mahathir said the council was tasked to advise the PH government on matters pertaining to economic and financial matters during the transition of power period.

Meanwhile, Ti said despite being the opposition, MCA would continue to support all good efforts, policies and governance by the PH government.

He said although MCA suffered defeat, it will continue to exist and function as a friendly party for the people.

“We are still the best in educational, welfare and social political party on record. We have had educational institutions and programmes, 1MCA Medical assistance, insurance scheme for bereavement, assistance for elders and young mothers among others.

“Most of all, when the public are having personal woes or complaints, they always think of our public services and complaints bureau first.”

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