
Avoid spreading fake news, personal attacks on social media

KUCHING: The use of smartphones and internet has an important role in the daily activities of the young generation to search and to share information.

“We can’t deny the fact that technology has allowed us to access to news and information, to have the world at your fingertips,” said DAP Pending state assemblywoman Violet Yong Wui Wui.

“I believe that when you have some enquiry or doubt, the first thing to do is to search for more information with their phone before looking for more reference in books or other material.

“Besides, we also share some news or information as well as thoughts and opinions in the social media.”

However, Yong urged the people, particularly the younger generation, to learn to differentiate between reliable information and fake news.

“False information can post risks to society, creating unnecessary worry and chaos or even mislead the community. Always think twice before sharing or posting anything online,” she said at the closing of the ‘Pewaris Muda Negara 2018’ held at the Youth and Sports Complex here on Sunday,

Yong also told the participants to avoid personal attacks.

“We should benefit ourselves with the technology but never abuse it to create something that gives negative impact to others, she said, adding that although everyone has freedom of speech, it does not include spreading false information and attacking others publicly through social media.

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