
Food aid for needy in conjunction with Hari Raya Aidiladha

PAGOH: Food assistance was distributed to the needy in Yong Peng, Pagoh and Tangkak recently in conjunction with Hari Raya Aidiladha.

The effort was organised by Kelab Pembangunan Usahawan Muafakat Muar, Johor (KPUMJ), Belia Elite Pagoh Club and NSK Trade City Sdn Bhd.

"This is part of our Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR) for communities especially in states where our 27 NSK hypermarkets are available. We would like to thank our customers for their support," said NSK Trading Sdn Bhd (NSK) director

Kenny Chen.

The food was delivered to the Belia Elite Club headquarters in Pagoh while live cattle was sent to the NSK in Tanjung Agas, Muar.

"We hope these contributions will help the recipients during this difficult period," said KPUMJ committee member Muhammad Shamsuddin Paijan.

Also present to assist were Srikandi Bersatu Pagoh Chief Janariah Abu Nawan, and Suri Prihatin volunteers and Pagoh Armada Bersatu squad.

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