
Misbun loses wife Latifah

KUALA LUMPUR: National badminton legend Datuk Misbun Sidek's wife, Datin Latifah Sidek, has died.

This was confirmed by the National Sports Council in a Twitter posting at 9pm, though there was no mention of the cause of death.

"It is with sadness we inform that Datin Latifah, the wife of Datuk Misbun Sidek, has returned to her Maker. Let us pray and recite the Al-Fatihah for her and may she be placed among those she loved.

"Condolences to Datuk Misbun and family. Al-Fatihah," read the post.

Olympic Council of Malaysia president Tan Sri Norza Zakaria offered condolences to Misbun on his Twitter account.

"Condolences to Datuk Misbun Sidek and family on the passing of his beloved wife. Let us all pray that the late Datin Latifah Sidek is placed among the pious. Al-Fatihah," he said.

Latifah was previously reported to have been admitted to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital as she was positive for Covid-19.

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