
National Agrofood Policy will boost economic growth, improve people's wellbeing

PUTRAJAYA: The government will soon launch a National Agrofood Policy 2021-2030 (DAN 2.0) to transform the agrofood sector into a sustainable, competitive and high-technology sector, and to boost economic growth to improve the wellbeing of the people.

Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said it was hoped that young people would support the government's efforts by bringing in modern technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) as well as digitisation, mechanisation and automation technologies into the agrofood sector in the fourth industrial revolution (IR4.0) era.

"These technologies can push the agrofood sector to a more effective and competitive dimension from the beginning of production activities to post-harvest, wholesale, retail and distribution so that the sector grows faster and can provide lucrative returns to the target group."

He said this in his speech in conjunction with the Farmers, Breeders and Fishermen's Day 2021 which was streamed live on the Farmers' Organisation Authority's Facebook page today.

Muhyiddin said the government had also implemented the National Food Security Policy Action Plan 2021-2025 by focusing on local food production and livestock inputs.

He said the government would also set up the National Ruminant Board, which would operate in phases from 2022, to enhance the sustainability and growth of the livestock industry.

According to him, the establishment of the National Ruminant Board had been agreed to in the Cabinet Committee Meeting on National Food Security Policy (FSCC).

Aware of the problems facing farmers, breeders and fishermen in facing the Covid-19 pandemic, Muhyiddin said they were never neglected by the government.

In appreciation of the contribution by these groups in ensuring a stable and secure food supply, he said, the government continuously provided large allocation to the Agriculture and Food Industry Ministry (MAFI) to ensure the food production chain remained competitive and unaffected.

"While other countries are facing a shortage crisis and food supply cuts, Malaysia still has a stable and secure food supply stock.

"All this is the result of the commitment and continuous effort by farmers, breeders and fishermen who are in fact our frontliners in the country's agro-food sector," he added.

Muhyddin said a total of RM640 million was allocated to MAFI through the Economic Stimulus Package (PRE) 2020, the Prihatin Rakyat Economic Stimulus Package (Prihatin) and the National Economic Recovery Plan (Penjana).

Through the 2021 Budget, the Prime Minister said RM4.79 million was allocated to MAFI to boost the agriculture and food industry, as well as an allocation of RM1.53 billion in padi subsidies and incentives, which benefited 300,000 farmers.

Muhyiddin said the government had also introduced the Large-Scale Smart Padi Field (Smart SBB) Project to increase farmers' income by eliminating or reducing the role of middlemen, well as improve padi production in the country.

Through Smart SBB, he said, it had enabled the country to achieve self-sufficiency level (SSL) target of rice production to 75 per cent during the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP).

Muhyiddin said the Kebuniti Agriculture Project was also continued this year with a special allocation of RM30 million, especially for the B40 group.

"The allocations are aimed to help the target group to intensify economic activities to ensure continuity of the country's food supply and provide opportunities for farmers, breeders and fishermen to earn income continuously," he said.

As for the marine fishermen, the Prime Minister said the government had agreed to increase their cost of living allowance from RM250 to RM300 a month, while the cost of living allowance for freshwater fishermen was increased from RM200 to RM250 a month, involving an allocation of RM151 million a year.

Muhyiddin said a total of RM338 million was allocated under the National Food Security Fund (DJM) to ensure MAFI continued to explore potential high-impact programmes.

On programmes to empower the Farmers Organisation Authority (LPP) movement, Muhyiddin said the business model of successful LPP projects would be replicated involving RM60 million through the Organic Agriculture Project and the E-Satellite Farm Project which is expected to benefit 1,700 farmers. - Bernama

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