
12MP - Boosting digital economy, digitalisation, advanced technological growth

KUALA LUMPUR: In preparing Malaysia to become a technology-based economy, the government aims to provide an enabling environment for the growth of the digital economy under the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP).

According to the 12MP report, the government projects 25.5 per cent contribution of the digital economy to the country's gross domestic product (GDP), 10.5 per cent e-Commerce contribution to the GDP, and 200 IP creation in digital content by 2025 aside from achieving eight per cent average annual growth rate of digital content export.

To ensure proper internet coverage nationwide, the government targets to achieve 100 per cent 4G coverage in populated areas aside from providing over 100 Mbps mobile broadband speed.

At the same time, the government is also targeting at least 90 per cent internet usage by Malaysians nationwide as the country aims to be in the top 20 of the Global Innovation Index ranking.

"The government wants to ensure that the public would have equal access to opportunities in the digital economy without compromising the Malaysian culture, ethics, and values," the report read.

To improve the country's broadband network, the report said steps will be taken to introduce telecommunication services as a public utility, similar to water and electricity under the Uniform Building By-laws and other relevant laws.

"Efforts to encourage investments in submarine cable landing stations will be intensified to improve fixed broadband services and promote the establishment of high-end data centres."

To address issues surrounding cyber threats, the Malaysia Cyber Security Strategy (MCSS) will be implemented under the 12MP to spearhead efforts to manage threats.

The report said cyber security expertise will be strengthened to ensure a trusted, secure digital ecosystem and that more local talent will be developed to reduce dependency on foreign cyber security experts.

Emerging digital technology will also be incorporated into the school curriculum to mould digital talent from an early age where adaptability skills, creative thinking, and innovative mindset will be nurtured through activities and competitions related to digital making.

"During the 12MP, digital devices will be provided targeting students from selected groups through a people-private-public partnerships approach.

"A complimentary data plan will be provided to underprivileged students. Devices will be equipped with strict security settings, which will enable control and supervision by teachers and parents."

To improve privacy, a national digital identification policy will be developed to provide a comprehensive framework for building trust and security for digital transactions and the movement of data.

"The Personal Data Protection Act will be reviewed to provide greater rights and control over personal data as well as clarity on personal data management using technology to increase accountability of organisations in safeguarding personal data and privacy."

To strengthen funding for research, development, commercialisation, and innovation, the federal administration would ensure at least 50 per cent of total R&D expenditure in the 12MP is for experimental development research with high commercialisation potential.

The report also revealed that Malaysia will capitalise on advanced technology potential by gearing up for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).

If appropriately harnessed, the report said Malaysia will experience greater economic efficiency and productivity, enhanced quality of life, and better management of climate change.

"4IR enables Malaysia to achieve a more balanced, responsible and sustainable growth, in line with the Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 and the 2030 Agenda."

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