
Ex-cabinet colleagues, friends remember Samy Vellu as a visionary leader

KUALA LUMPUR: While many remember former MIC supremo Tun S. Samy Vellu for his sense of humour, his political comrades remember him fondly as a visionary leader.

Former MCA president Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik said the former works minister was a man of many talents, recalling the days when they would sit next to each other in cabinet meetings.

"I, of course, enjoyed Samy Vellu's company more than anything. He could talk about things hilariously, and I remember we would laugh away.

"Whatever disagreements we may have had were always resolved the Barisan Nasional way," he said when met outside Samy Vellu's residence here today.

Former Women, Family and Community Development Minister Tan Sri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil described Samy Vellu as a very good mentor, adding that she had learnt a lot from the former MIC president.

She also said she felt very lucky to have worked with such a significant leader of the country and said Samy Vellu had considered herself and all other "freshies" in the cabinet as his younger siblings.

"He proved that in leadership, you must not only have vision but also have a heart. Samy Vellu was not only great in policy making but also was always close to the people.

"He was not just a leader for the Indian community but for all Malaysians, regardless of race or religion. A star is gone," she added.

Transport Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong said Samy Vellu was a man who really understood the problems on the ground and worked hard to resolve them.

"Samy Vellu, as a minister, he was a very hands-on man. I learnt so much from him and he was such a respected man.

"He is a figure that contributed not just to the government, but also to the community. I understand how the Indian community feels now that an important figure is no longer with us. It is a significant loss for the country," he added.

Meanwhile, Puchong member of parliament Gobind Singh Deo said although Samy Vellu and himself disagreed in political beliefs, they always had a respectful relationship.

The DAP deputy chairman said the former MIC leader was always ready to meet and discuss solutions for the people.

"I think that's something we can all agree on. He was someone very approachable and it was very easy to get to know him.

"Even though he was a minister, when there was a need to discuss, he was prepared to do so. There was never a problem for us to work together," he said.

Samy Vellu was former MIC president and the longest serving cabinet minister. He was the Works Minister from 1979 to 1989 and had a second stint between 1995 and 2008.

In between the period he served as the Energy, Communications and Posts minister from 1989 to 1995.

The eight-term Sungai Siput member of parliament died in his sleep at 8am on Thursday, at his home in Jalan Ipoh, here. He was 86.

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