KUALA LUMPUR: Women's achievement has surpassed men's in the Educational Attainment sub-index of the Malaysia Gender Gap Index (MGGI) with a score of 1.060.
The Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) in a statement today said the gross enrolment rates for women at primary and secondary levels were higher than men at 98.4 per cent and 94.5 per cent compared with 98.1 per cent and 90.6 per cent, respectively.
Chief Statistician Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Uzir Mahidin in the statement issued in conjunction with the Yayasan Tuanku Fauziah webinar on "Women In Search Of Excellence", said at the tertiary level, the gross enrolment rate for women was 46.9 per cent, which was still higher than the men's 33.3 per cent.
However, he said the labour force participation rate for women was still low, at 55.5 per cent compared with the target of 59 per cent in 2025 based on the 12th Malaysia Plan.
Meanwhile, in terms of economic participation last year, women recorded 76.6 per cent in the service sector and 15.1 per cent in the manufacturing sector.
"Only a small number of them work in the mining and quarrying sector. In terms of mean monthly salaries and wages received by women, it has also increased to RM2,968 last year from RM2,899 in 2020," the statement said.
It added that women's representation in sociopolitics was also challenged with the lowest score of 0.100, hence proving that women were still lagging behind men in holding the office of ministers and members of parliament.
The webinar was graced by Raja Muda of Perlis Tuanku Syed Faizuddin Putra Ibni Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Jamalullail. --Bernama