
Ministry to announce new youth development programmes soon

MELAKA: The Youth and Sports Ministry will announce several new programmes focusing on youth development soon, said its deputy minister Adam Adli Abdul Halim.

He said they would also involve existing programmes which have been improved and designed based on the current needs of youth in the country.

Among them is the Malaysia Future Leaders School programme under the Institute for Leadership Excellence and Development (i-LEAD), which aims to develop youth as strategic partners in national development and capable of playing a role at national and international levels.

"We improve these programmes so that their implementation aligns with the current situation. We will focus on the development of youth leadership and programmes for youths who are not members of youth associations," he told reporters after officiating at the Kesidang state constituency's 2023 Chinese New Year celebration here last night.

Over 200 visitors attended the celebration, with Kesidang assemblyman Allex Seah Shoo Chin also present.

Adam Adli, who is also Hang Tuah Jaya member of parliament, said the focus on youth is in line with the government's effort to empower the group, especially in the field of sports, and strengthen their leadership.

In the meantime, he said the ministry would also work with various ministries to expand the implementation of political and democratic literacy programmes in line with Undi18.

"This is one of the government's responsibilities to empower the role of youth, especially in the political field," he said. -- BERNAMA

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