
Application and approval of foreign worker quota to be temporarily discontinued, says Sivakumar

KUALA LUMPUR: The Human Resources Ministry has temporarily suspended the quota application and approval for foreign workers including through the Foreign Worker Employment Relaxation Plan.

Minister V. Sivakumar said this is to enable employers, who have already been granted quotas to start making plans for the immediate entry of the foreign workers.

"I kindly request that all employers who have received approval for foreign worker quotas to expedite the hiring process of their new workers during this time.

"Moreover, the number of foreign worker entries is still low as compared to the number of quotas that have been approved by the ministry."

Sivakumar said as of March 14, the ministry had approved a total of 995,396 quotas for the employment of foreign workers, with 342,106 in the construction sector, 143,568 in services, 387,122 in manufacturing, 76,325 in plantation, 376 in mining and quarry, and 45,899 in agriculture.

The dates for the application and approval of foreign worker quotas will be announced soon.

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