
PM: Cabinet to discuss review of civil service salary scheme next week

SEREMBAN: The government has agreed to review the salary scheme of civil servants with an initial discussion on the matter to be raised during the cabinet meeting next week.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the move to review the salary scheme of civil servants was made after considering that there had been no increase given in their salary schemes for a long time.

Anwar, who is also finance minister, said it is taking into account the current salary scheme which is deemed as low.

"The last review made was in 2013, which was rather a long time (ago). Hence, the matter has been put forward to me by Zulkapli (Public Services Department director-general Datuk Dr Zulkapli Mohamed) and Mohd Zuki (Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Zuki Ali) to establish a team to study the matter and I agreed to it.

"We will table this to the cabinet, to get the ministers' approval, before the team can start working and provide suggestions to the government to review the salary scheme of civil servants.

"Overall, wages and salaries of the civil servants are still low and I believe (an increase) should be considered, despite the government facing existing financial constraints. I think we can give this a little consideration," Anwar told reporters after attending the 'Amanat Perdana Menteri' programme with Negri Sembilan civil servants at the Seremban City Council Hall.

He, however, did not set a specific time frame for any outcome on the matter or the percentage of increase in salary.

"The length of the discussion period will be handed over to Zulkapli, while the projection of the increase is still too early to be announced.

"But, (the increase) must be made,"

Earlier in a speech, Anwar said he dreamed that once the country's economic situation getting better, the salary scheme of civil servants will be reviewed.

"I would like to give my assurance and I believe that insya-Allah we can review the salary scheme of civil servants. This as because it has not been reviewed for 10 years.

"To do so, we must make sure that our government is strong, so it allows us to work towards this."

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