
Focus on world-class research to benefit community, country

UNIVERSITI Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) has set its eyes on world-class research and innovation in the fields of engineering, and technology through creative techniques to benefit the community and the country.

The Pahang campus will continue to focus on research and innovations in the fast-changing world of Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0) with special focus on elements of innovation that will have a major impact on organisations and bring benefit to the community.

Vice-chancellor Professor Datuk Dr Yuserrie Zainuddin said the university is realigning its focus on empowering research, industrial innovation and commercialisation to enhance more dynamic, and proactive research capabilities.

He said the realignment involves empowering research, industrial innovation and commercialisation in terms of increasing dynamic and proactive research capability, and capacity through grant governance and the provision of new high-impact grants.

"The focus will be on the country's current strategic issues, challenges and adapting Digital Transformation through IR 4.0.

UMPSA will transform the research, industrial innovation and commercialisation agenda which is further strengthened and empowered by the UMPSA Strategic Plan 2021-2025 through the Innovation Strategic Objective along with the Industry Collaboration and High Impact Technology Exploration.

"Innovation objectives along with industry collaborations can leverage the technical capabilities of UMPSA and the industry. This is not only by transferring knowledge and technical abilities in UMPSA towards the industry but also involves transferring knowledge and technical abilities from industry to UMPSA, thus creating a win-win situation," he said.

Meanwhile, Yuserrie said UMPSA is committed towards efforts to promote product development and providing research involving the industry in the production of high-level technology that will contribute to the community through the social enterprise ecosystem.

"Collaborations with the industry players will boost UMPSA's efforts in the exploration of IR 4.0. For example, the university's collaboration with Bosch Rexroth Sdn. Bhd. (Bosch Rexroth) allowed UMPSA researchers to obtain direct experience in advanced automation equipment from the industry.

"This strategic collaboration is in line with the UMPSA's Strategic Plan 2021- 2025 in producing holistic graduates and local talent, with comprehensive training modules that are recognised globally and catered to the challenges of the IR4.0.

"The partnership will see the establishment of the UMPSA Bosch Rexroth Academy with three main pillars which is to achieve the TVET Aspiration (MTUN), developing the IR 4.0 Hi-Tech Advanced Training Centre and supporting the National IR 4.0 Agenda," he said.


UMPSA aims to become a smart campus, in line with the government's aspiration to strengthen the digital agenda in this country. A smart campus provides an environment which is able to offer efficient technology and infrastructures to all UMPSA citizens. It can also help to support and improve the teaching and learning process as well as research.


UMPSA has emabarked on the Sustainable Campus Blueprint to respond to the government's agenda. The blueprint is an action plan and a guide for the campus towards achieving Sustainable Malaysia 2030 based on the Green Technology Master Plan Malaysia 2017 - 2030. This is in line with the 12th Malaysia Plan(2021–2025) which prioritises the country's development to be aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Agenda 2030). UMPSA has established a special committee to prepare a blueprint known as the UMP Sustainable Campus Blueprint


The university's collaboration with the industry as a synergistic partner is capable of empowering the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) field in steering Malaysia towards a developed and high-income country based on technology and innovation.

UMPSA has continuously strived to introduce technology and sustainability practices to the community, educate and more importantly become a role model regarding the principles of sustainability.

As one of the top universities in the Malaysian Technical University network, UMPSA will continue to demonstrate the university's commitment towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as well as evaluate the university's efforts in addressing global environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.

UMPSA has realigned the SDGs with its core values, the Malaysia Madani concept, the Higher Education minister's mandate and the UMPSA25 Strategic Plan to ensure that all efforts are moving in line with various aspirations.

The recent branding of UMPSA will help build visibility, reputation and capability of the university in line with the development and achievements of the campus which marked its 21st anniversary in February this year.

The UMPSA brand will continue to preserve the glory of the university towards the best technology university on the global stage.

Based on the university's vision towards a premier technological university, the rebranding will realise the aspirations of excellence achieved through academic empowerment, impactful research results and producing excellent graduates to become quality human capital in driving excellent national development.


UMPSA held the Cendekia Bitara Award– Prowess Craftsmanship yesterday to recognise its academicians who have achieved outstanding success in the research, innovation, commercialisation and publication fields, and contributed significantly to the country. A total of 109 individuals including 101 Cendekia Bitara, six University e-Learning Awards (APU) and two University Academic Award (AAU) receipants were recognised during the awards night

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